symbolic code

英 [sɪmˈbɒlɪk kəʊd] 美 [sɪmˈbɑːlɪk koʊd]

网络  象征符码; 象征代码; 象征语码; 象徵符码; 符号代码



  1. So they developed a simpler set of computer commands called Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, or BASIC.
  2. A program that translates from machine language to assembly language, often to decipher existing machine language programs by generating symbolic code listings.
  3. Underlying the front-end parsers is a symbolic instruction set – a kind of portable assembly code – which can be translated to any of the supported machine architectures.
  4. A popular programming language that is relatively easy to learn ( Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code); no longer in general use.
  5. Code: A character-string or line of symbolic instructions to a computer. The code applying to a particular computer is often called the "language" of the computer.
  6. Code structure: The structure scheme of a symbolic code which is the structure scheme of a computer language.
  7. The FORTRAN code for computation of the joint drive torques directly translated from the symbolic dynamic equations of a robot consists of n arithmetic assignment statements. But this code contains many redundant computations.
  8. Based on the highly sensitivity to parameters of a chaotic system and symbolic dynamics, a new kind of resistor measurement circuit is designed, which can transform the value of resistor to binary code directly.
  9. Based on the foundation theory of applied symbolic dynamics, we get a practical method of chaos secret coding, i.e. use the strange attractor of logistic map to produce the symbol secret key to modulate the source code.
  10. It is based on the concept of indefinite admittance matrix, and uses an algebraic method of symbolic code in the generation of symbolic network functions.
  11. The Symbolic System of the Holy Grail and its Decoding: A Textual Interpretation of The Da Vinci Code
  12. The main task of signal processing of GPS receiver circuit is to get symbolic data through the carrier tracking, demodulation, despreading and code tracking of digitalised baseband spread spectrum signal.
  13. Knowledge management for enterprise innovation has played an important role of support for enterprises, and a significant contribution in innovation is not symbolic explicit knowledge, but not easy to code of tacit knowledge.
  14. An instruction generating several symbols and symbolic model play an important role for code compression rate.
  15. In other words, the procedure of national performance is one driven by multi-layered image, orderly arranged by symbolic conversion and code processing.
  16. According to the results, the Fuzzing test based on symbolic execution has remarkable advantage in improving the code coverage and the prototype system is of great value in detecting software security vulnerabilities.
  17. An artistic symbolic phenomenon generated from iron picture appears, bridging the gap between people and culture. Meanwhile, iron picture is also regarded as a traditional cultural code which includes both concrete representative forms and local cultural essence.